You can’t have one without the other! It was only a matter of time before Elza became an official part of the WHITEFOX family, given her twin and best friend Nellie has been here for 3 years, working alongside Lana Samuels. While not taking a traditional path to the company, Elza has transitioned from a lab assistant to a model and brand executive for a hair care and lifestyle business before settling into the world of social media and marketing. She has spent years helping clients maximise their reach and impact online and she also just happens to be one of the handful of Kiwis who make up the personnel within HQ.
With a smile that lights up the room and an infectious energy, it’s not hard to see why Elza brings out the best in those around her. She’s strong when she needs to be but known to be the world’s nicest person to anyone who meets her.
A creative, determined hard-worker, Elza prefers to set the trends rather than follow them and is passionate about helping WHITEFOX enhance and grow the brand. She’s the face behind the ever-growing social media presence the company is known for and will be driving the next chapter of development in the online space.
As the resident masterchef, consider yourself lucky if Elza cooks for you, even if it’s her favourite odd combination of chicken nuggets and caviar. Quickly becoming part of the WHITEFOX family, it’s not just because she’s liked by all, but because she’s married to Marty’s brother Taylor, she quite literally is family.